
Stress and YOU

It has always been there until somebody gave it a name. Stress affects absolutely every single aspect of life; a far reaching concept that does not just represent an emotional problem, caused by deadlines, debts and/or annoying coworkers.

Home » Stress » Stress and YOU

The absence of stress is death

-Hans Selye

Stress and Endurance Sports

It has always been there until somebody gave it a name. Stress affects absolutely every single aspect of life, yet most of the lay press, radio, television and now the internet constantly discuss it, though without real awareness of exactly how far reaching the concept is and that it does represent not just an emotional problem, caused by deadlines, debts and/or annoying coworkers.  In an athletic paradigm stress takes the form of overtraining and has ended many a career of all levels – from rising stars to great champions.

Why Does Stress Exist?

Long ago, in the second half of the nineteenth century Claude Bernard made an observation that the internal medium of any organism is not just there to carry nutrients around, but that it is the fixity or constantly balanced state of that millieu interieur that is required for free and independent life. Today we call that homeostasis. Everything inisde the skin and even the skin itself constitutes that internal medium; if anything is allowed to deviate from that norm, the body will respond – with both short and long-term effects.

The more extreme examples are the so-called fight-or-flight. A bear jumps out in front of you, you suddenly go into hyperdrive and sprint harnessing all resources and once (hopefully) out of harm’s way, life gets back to normal, though not before a brief stage of exhaustion.

Homeostasis is paramount for survival, while at the same time, possible ‘stressors’ come in many shapes, forms and sizes. Therefore the most robust way of dealing with all those ‘disturbances’  from an evolutionary point of view is by a an all encompassing general response – think of flooding a burning field rather than spraying it with sprinklers.

General Adaptation Syndrome

As a young medical student Hans Selye  observed that no matter the disease/problem – whether it was severe loss of blood, infection or advanced cancer – ALL patients exhibited loss of appetite, muscle strength and lack of general motivation to do anything. You could see on their faces that they were being sick. What was it that was causing the same symptoms in quite different diseases?

Many scientists and physicians before him, discovered bleeding stomach ulcers and enlarged adrenal glands above the kidney of burn patients, in animals suffering acute infections, etc, though as it is sometimes quite easy to do in science – it was a case of seeing the trees and not the forest…

It wasn’t until 1936 that Hans Selye experiments on rats presented an answer. No matter the treatment – exposure to cold, spinal injury, excessive physical exercise (my emphasis), or non-lethal doses of various drugs all caused the same syndromes that followed identical three stages (alarm, resistance, exhaustion). And so the concept of general adaption syndrome or what we call stress today was born.

Stress and Endurance sports General_Adaptation_Syndrome
General Adaptation Syndrome (Wikimedia Commons)

Stage 1: Alarm

After the initial injury or exposure to a stressor, in 6-48h the liver, thymus and lymph nodes decrease in size. Muscle tone diminishes, muscle tissue starts to get broken down, body temperature drops. Erosion of the stomach lining happens (my emphasis). How many athletes/people do you know that have “gut issues?”  Furthermore, fat tissue starts to disappear. The adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, release their cortisol containing granules into the bloodstream (more on that further below). At this point the resistance or the ability to handle the stressor is diminished – if the offender is strong enough, even death might result. In simple terms, the best time to get sick. This stage is REVERSIBLE – ie if whatever alarmed you disappears, your body goes back to normal. If you outrun the bear, just met that deadline, exit that job interview etc. a warming sense of relieved exhaustion comes over you.

Stage 2: Resistance

If the stressor is still around your body adopts a head in the sand approach and doesn’t get bothered much by it and even so more or less goes back to it’s normal functions – you gain the lost weight back, etc. However, the adrenals are not easily fooled and if the stressor is still around (even up to 3months), the glands get notably enlarged in order to secrete even more cortisol. The release of growth and gonadotropic (and as a result sex hormones such as testosterone) (my emphasis) is stopped while the production of hormones, responsible for the speeding up of metabolism is ramped up.

Doping side note #1: Human growth hormone (hGH) and testosterone are among the most widely abused performance enhancers in all sports. The important takeaway point is that in the resistance stage you are in a way anti-doping yourself. I am too lazy to look at athletes (I am sure there are many) who were diagnosed with low testosterone levels and subsequently got a ‘therapeutic use exemption’ aka green light to dope, though some notable figures that suffered from diminished testoterone levels and were even forced to retire due to the condition were Mr. Prologue Chris Boardman and 2:04 marathoner Ryan Hall. Overtraining is just another word for chronic stress (more details on why in the following paragraphs).

While everyhing might seem fine, there are inevitable consequences – the stressor is still around even though you might not realise it until….

Stage 3: Exhaustion

‘Cause nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain

-Guns’N Roses

In the words of the Guns’n roses, nothing lasts forever and if whatever is causing the stress continues, the same symptoms as during the alarm reaction reappear – now you can’t handle even a little of the thing that alarmed you in the first place. This stage IS NOT REVERSIBLE. In extreme cases and in some animals it may even result in death.

Before continuing, the most important takeaway points are:

No matter the cause – any deviation from homeostasis causes the same cascade of events.

If whatever caused the sway from normal does not disappear, after time the body WILL ALWAYS enter an irreversible state of exhaustion

While the above is pretty clinical what does it all have to do with life and endurance sports?

Let me explain…

As as pointed by Prof. Hans Selye, only the dead have no stress;  things are out to get us, more metaphorically these days (bills, debts, managers, air pollution, etc.) than literally (bears, tigers), and logically if they all cause the same general response – the effect of many stressors is cumulative – they all add up and adaptation energy is finite. Are we all doomed?

Not exactly.

As you can imagine a skin burn, an insect bite, loud noise, or swimming in freezing water are not the same thing as far as our bodies are concerned. While sharing the same general response, stressors possess as well a specific effect that acts on certain body organs/systems with an additional distinct reaction.  Therefore different people respond differently to the same drug, and why some people don’t get sick when flu season comes around. If all the body systems are like chains – it is the weakest link that breaks.

In addition we develop conditioning, ie the horizontal line in the graph above gets higher for some stressors. Physical exercise (cycling, running, etc) is a stressor and getting fitter is a way of becoming conditioned towards it. Babies cry all the time because everything and I mean everything around them is new and alarming. Last time you went to a new place, unless that place was an active war zone, you didn’t give a single thought about freaking out, let alone cry.

Ineffective coping strategies cause distress – a significant stress response

This is where it gets tricky and a lot of people in modern fast paced societies, wear stress as a badge of honor, a sign they are trying hard, etc. and brush off any warning seems, bar the very obvious ones with the words:

“But I Feel Fine!!!”

Why is carrying that high strung badge of honor a bad thing?

While in the stage of resistance, indeed most systems and organs go back to functioning as normal. Even the higher tolerance towards whatever was causing the stress, feels like second wind. When we talk about sports, you might have an amazing race ‘out of nowhere’ (I am talking shattering previous personal bests by 5-10+%), so it might lead you to think that you are bouncing back from all the accumulated fatigue. HOWEVER, as mentioned earlier the adrenal glands are not just pouring cortisol into the bloodstream, they have become larger so they are literally flooding everything.

What does that mean?

The HPA Axis

We have a brain for a reason and it runs the whole show. In the case of stress when whatever that exceeds your coping abilities immediately sets up a chain reaction. (As a note – this is a general overview and not a biochemistry lesson). The events that follow try to accomplish biological and physiological adaptation.

Through many inputs the hypothalamus receives a signal (limbic system ie emotions, or from the organs, skin, etc.). When that gets interpreted as a stressor it releases Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) that reaches the anterior pituitary which in term releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) that acts on the adrenal glands (cortex) who release cortisol and epinephrine (adrenalin) into the bloodstream. The presence of cortisol tells the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary to produce less of CRH and ACTH in a negative feedback loop (red lines).

stress and Endurace sports HPA_Axis_Diagram_(Brian_M_Sweis_2012)
The HPA Axis (Wikimedia Commons)

Doping side note #2: Low cortisol levels might indicate that external sources of cortisONE (that has the same effects as cortisOL) had been used and as a consequence have over-suppresed the natural levels below normal through the mechanism described above. Sadly this is a constantly occurring thing in cycling (low cortisol levels) and teams plead innocence, rather than sidelining athletes.  Why would anyone want to do more or less ‘put stress in their bodies’ is covered in the following paragraphs.

The whole complex consisting of the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary and adrenal glands is referred to as the HPA axis. Though this is semantics, the important question is:

What do cortisol and adrenaline do in the body (and why chronic elevation is a bad thing)?


A quick reminder that stress aka the attempt to return to normal/fight-or-flight is paramount for survival. In order to return to normal, it takes energy or in biological currency usually glucose.

So on to cortisol and adrenaline…

First and foremost cortisol is a glucocorticoid aka glucose metabolism influencing. It counteracts insulin and causes a spike in blood sugar. It stimulates the making of new glucose (gluconeogenesis) so there is a ready supply of it. If you have a tendency for Type 2 diabetes this is a good way to go over the line. In addition cortisol causes a ramp up of fat metabolism by depleting precious energy stores (this is not as good as you might think) and the breakdown of muscle and lymphoid tissue in order to obtain proteins – you lose weight. All of the above happens in order to have all available energy sources at maximum, so you are sure to give it all when running away from that bear and have the energy available to recover afterwards (so you can sprint away from the bear another day). The bad news is that losing muscle mass is never a good thing and chronic stress/cortisol elevation causes you to crave sweet sugary foods in order to replenish the glucose you are constantly burning (remember glucorticoids) in order to ‘cope’ with the stress. Burning glucose rather than fat is not something you want to be doing in the long term.

Furthermore cortisol causes a suppression of the immune system, do it long enough and even simple colds make you bedridden and when flu season rolls around you are sick ALL the time. Ever wondered why top athletes who should be the epitome of health get constantly sidelined with colds and stomach bugs when racing season picks up? Here’s your answer.

As well cortisol/glucorticoids are powerful anti-inflammatories (think mega turbo ibuprofen). In the case of not rejecting a transplant/skin graft/etc this is a good thing. In the case of normal (athletic) life working out causes muscle breakdown, damage and overall inflammation/soreness. Getting rid of it quickly might allow you to race/train and patch up that semi broken knee when you really should be resting, therefore you can see the potential of abuse where performance and money are on the line.

As with all quick fixes the final price is high…

Cortisol suppresses bone and collagen formation – long term effects: osteoporosis (brittle bones) and ligament/tendon/connective tissue and fascia problems. It puts a whole new meaning into stress fractures and chronic ankle sprains doesn’t it….

The levels cortisol naturally goes up and down throughout the day more or less together with the 24h light/dark cycles- it is what makes you relaxed before going to sleep and what naturally wakes you up. If you have to get up couple of times in the wee hours of the night and can’t fall asleep – you have abnormally elevated cortisol – you are stressed! Also this is the main cause of “jetlag.”

Last but not least, cortisol increases metabolism/turnover of all the stuff that transmit signals in your brain – you feel tired, depressed, and can’t sleep.

Though no enemy works alone…


The same factors that cause the release of cortisol make adrenaline to be released as well. Adrenaline truly is the fight-or-flight hormone. It also causes the rapid breakdown of muscle and liver glycogen so that glucose gets in the bloodstream. It ramps up heart rate and increases blood pressure and breathing – you are ready to go for it or sprint for it.

And it all happens because we have a brain…

Chronic stress causes an overactive sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and a PARAsympathetic nervous system (homeostasis) that can’t cope. Therefore one of the methods to see how stressed you really are is Heart Rate Variability – the difference between each heartbeat, strabgely the more consistent (less variability) the more stressed you are. There are apps to do that, though you can see if your heart rate raises as you inhale and drops as you exhale.

Stress and endurance sports HRV heart rate variability
Heart Rate Variability

That brings me to the next and possible most important point of this article

Stressors, Overtraining and YOU

Всички болести са от ядове, а всички ядове от гадове.

-Bulgarian proverb

Loosely translated the above proverb says that all diseases are caused by stress and all stress is caused by arseholes (excuse my French).

I am repeating myself that athletes or not we are humans first and as such whatever happens in “normal life” will definitely be reflected when out in fields running, cycling , swimming, etc. Therefore reducing and realising how detrimental stress can be, is probably one of the most aspects of living a healthy life and high athletic performance.

I am sure by now you have gleaned that overtraining is just stress with an athletic flavor and it follows the same three stages. Particularly the second resistance stage is tricky – when already on edge during raceday and you have an amazing out of the water performance, it is always a red flag (especially since in endurance sports improvement is gradual). You don’t need 20+h training weeks to overtrain, you just need sufficient amounts of stress. All those great stars on magaine covers from 10, 15, 20 years ago that you never heard again? That rising star that “made it to the big league” to only crash and burn? Athletes with low testosterone? Stressors in all their shapes and forms (that includes travel, to much training, etc) were among the top 2 reasons.

Rarely something in biology is black and white – it doesn’t just happen. Crashes and sudden physcial trauma aside, when you finally break down it didn’t just appear out of the blue. It has been going for quite a while under the surface.

What exactly has been going on?


Pretty much everything can be a stressor, it is how you react to it that makes all the difference in short how you deal with it, though for convenience, it is best to separate them into three general categories, which are not exclusive and there might be some overlap.

Physical: This is the stress that influence directly the physical body – bones, muscles, etc. Training is a stress and SLIGHT muscle stress is what makes the whole thing beneficial, hence the increased importance of recovery. Muscle imbalances can be the outward expression of that. Some examples

  • Poor fitting shoes/bike
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Endurance training
  • (High-intensity) Training
  • etc.

Biochemical: The human body runs because of tightly regulated biochemical cascades. Any disturbance there would cause the internal balance to deviate from homeostasis.

  • Caffeine
  • (Second hand) smoking
  • (Prescription) drugs/doping
  • Air pollution
  • “Starving yourself”/low calories
  • Low fat diet
  • Junk food, sugar, etc.
  • Vitamin deficiencies

Mental and Emotional: this is the category which almost everybody is familiar with. It can influence sensations, learning and decision making.

  • Demanding/stressful job
  • Strong emotions: negative AND/OR positive
  • Noise
  • Deadlines
  • Relationship/family turmoil
  • Lack of sleep
  • Travelling (across timezones)
  • Traumatic personal/family events

The list can go on though here is where I hand it over to you:

Stress list

The idea for this goes to Dr. Phil Maffetone and The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing

Nobody is immune to stress, as you saw from the above examples, it can all add up without you realizing it.

Therefore take out a sheet of paper, seprate it in three columns;

  1. Put physical, biochemical, emotional at the top
  2. Take a couple of days, even a week (yes seriously) to write down stressors in your life
  3. Cross out the ones that you have zero control over
  4. Prioritize the biggest one in each category; put them on top
  5. Circle one (yes really) and try to eliminate it
  6. Repeat

Seeing is believing and most of us do not realise how many things are out there that wreak havoc on daily life and ultimately performance. If you have big stressors that you have no say over maybe it is time for some big life changes. Chronic stress is the single thing that can throw a monkey wrench in a seemingly perfectly running machine that is the human body.  My ancestors in the quote above, realised it long ago, now it is time for all of us to master the concept from them. As somebody said – learning to say “No” is probably among the most valuable life lessons.


The input might be different – sadness, poor fitting shoes, drugs, loud noises, cold weather, starvation and the list can go on and on. HOWEVER, the ouput and result is the same- General Adaptation Syndrome or Stress. I leave you with this memorable quote form teh father of the stress concept:

We must not suppress stress in all its forms, but diminish [negative] distress and facilitate [positive] eustress, the satisfactory feeling that comes from the accomplishment of tasks we consider worth while.

-Hans Selye

As such with a satisfactory feeling, I hope to have given you a pleasant read and I would like to hear you comments and opinions in the comments sections below.

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This article is for my personal use and educational purposes only, please always consult a licensed health professional. I cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by the information contained in this article.

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  • Bernard hinault Paris Nice
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Home » Stress » Stress and YOU

12 replies on “Stress and YOU”

Hey there – I take it you are still following the Maffetone base training/ fat burning program? If so, how you are you getting along? Is your MAF test showing improvement ?

Hi Tony,

Yes I am still following Maffetone’s training methods. The short answer to your question is yes, I see progress at my MAF HR. The long answer is that I am going to post my many positive experiences in an article or two with some detail, so stay tuned, the posts should be forthcoming in the next week or two. If you use Strava, I have almost all my training data there, including from previous seasons. Starting from mid-September 2015 it has been only MAF; I have to add notes to my MAF tests so they are easy to find from just regular training rides, again the details of it all will come in great detail soon.


Great thanks – I will look you up on Strava. I fell into a classic case of overtraining and I hope I arrested it in time. Trained hard for a long MTB race in Nov 2015, then decided to keep it going for a road race a month later. Happy with both races. At that stage some time off or in lower zones was warranted, but it was summer here in Australia and I couldn’t help myself, riding hard on the MTB in particular. I had a flurry of late form in January, but as Dr Maffetone says, it can seem that way just before falling off the cliff – which I did. Went on a hilly road ride, experienced inexplicable loss of power, and felt pretty terrible. Came across Maffetone and have adopted his philosophy since about early/mid Feb. Also adopted his diet strategy. I feel healthy, feel good, have lost some fat, but would I think have a long way to go to get back into racing shape.

My basic questions are: how many hours a week at a minimum to make it work? And is it really not ok to splash out on the OCCASIONAL hit out with a bunch of mates?

Hi Tony,

I will answer your previous comment here as well. All of what I will tell you here I will cover in much greater details in the coming posts about MAF, so here is an abridged version.=) I have overtrained myself previously all the way, many years ago and I suspect due to the popular “do more harder” approach that I was a victim of until September 2015, I had always been overtrained to a lesser degree every season afterwards. I base my training around Road nationals in the end of June and i could always kinda make it to there and then it fizzed out so i think that is what must have been going on.

As you saw from the article overtraining is the same as stress, just with an athletic twist. As such once you are past the resistance stage your ability to handle stress or in that case (high-intensity) training, is non-existenet or greatly diminished. Therefore a group ride unless the pace is what you can do it at MAF is extremely stressful and will do you no good. If you like most people who start with MAF have to ride slow, it will make you unpopular for sure. I did 2 group rides while at MAF and on both occasions my body was telling me, or rather yelling at me “Why are you doing this to me!?!?!?” I was pushing 290+W while second wheel… and I was barely hanging on…and that was December (still deep in winter/offseason), sufferfests are just that and no way to get better. I did one race last month and I could definitely feel I was not ready (I stepped down) and I have one tomorrow. I view them as tests, rather than competition so I try to do the absolute minimum starts while still showing to my team I am alive. I know one day I will be fit enough to race at a sustainable level without too much stress on my body. Whether it is tomorrow or next month or even next season, my body will tell me. Being better than yourself last week rather than the next guy is also among the key principles behind MAF. Personal health and wellbeing are million times more important than the local race, group ride. Once you realise that, the amount of inner peace you achieve is amazing.

About how many hours to get an effect – i can’t tell you that, there is no hard and fast rule, only you can find that out for yourself. Big part of the so called MAF training is becoming in tune with your body and being aware of the signals when you should rather take a day off then go training. MAF is a lifestyle that includes no refined carbohydrates/junkfood/sugar, balanced intake of fats, proper recovery and stress reduction, less sitting and yes lower intensity training. How you balance all of these depends on your family/job situation, etc. That might mean any number of hours a week and it can vary from week to week. Regular (4-5weeks) MAF tests are what should be your guide. If you are progressing without any injuries, colds, allergies, etc whatever you are doing is fine. If you plateau or even regress, you have to look back and address some issues such as (MAF HR set too high, too high stress/anaerobic training/gym work/inadequate recovery and/or sleep, suboptimal diet etc.). Race performance is not a good indicator since your sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system is always ramped up during competition and/or when overtrained/stressed you might have a brief period of “good form.”

This is where i really and i mean really dislike Strava and social media. Why? The fact that this pro rider, riding buddy or just a random person posted his workouts doesn’t mean that:
1. They are healthy and this type of training is sustainable (FOR YOU) and even for them (how many pro cyclists reach their early 30s if that before they retire? While peak or endurance sports is physiologically possible almost all the way up to 40).
2. To reach the level of this or that person you need to do what they do. Your life situation is unique and again look at point 1 above. There is far too much “banging of square pegs into round holes” that is called coaching these days and that must change.

Strava is really nice for making private segments to measure MAF pace etc. and as well as I use it as kind of proof that MAF when done properly works and why I was so reluctant to join and why I only log in occasionally just to upload my trainings.

So that’s the short of it=). The long version with my personal experience should come soonish so stay tuned (I think you are already subscribed via email)

Good luck with MAF, stick with it and results will come. You are already getting results with the diet change!


P.S. I have seen your email adress among my subscribers though it says your address is not verified. Do you get email updates when there is a new article? I am just curious in order to see if the subscription service is working properly, etc. Thanks and all the best!

HI Nikola – I needed to affirm my subscription – now done!

Thanks for the time and care you have taken with that response – I appreciate it. And as if on cue, i received Dr Maf’s HR ‘white paper’ by email today as well!

This morning I did a (naughty) group ride and allowed myself to extend on the climbs. Reasonably happy with the effort, given I have done almost nothing beyond zone2/3 over 8 or more weeks. However, it was too much stress – no question about it. I will settle back into MAF training and will eagerly await your results.

In your list of things above that may cause plateau or regress, I would add simply ‘not enough stress’. That is my only real worry with this method – I don’t have ‘pro hours’ to spend going long in the saddle.

Hi Tony,

You are welcome. The (athletic) world certainly needs more MAF and fat burning. The word must spread.=)

I added you on Strava, btw since I am new to the whole thing I am not sure if I had set the privacy correct and what is visible or not (my first MAF test was Spe 15 2015 and pretty much 4-5 weeks every month afterwards). My race got cancelled today due to strong winds, though compared to a month ago I felt really good on the warmup, shame really since I like crosswinds, the one time a big guy has advantage in cycling…

I would strongly advise you to avoid group rides, especially if you had been overtrained. Another thing is as far as training zones there is only 10bpm below your MAF HR (your MAF zone) that you need to consider, i think it is mentioned in the white paper as well. Everything else (power and HR zones) really has no value when you are dedicated to MAF and can only add anxiety and confusion. I do wonder about my FTP every once and a while, though I don’t give those thoughts any attention anymore – I’m having too much fun with the whole thing.=) I remember Mark Allen saying that he noticed that the women he was coaching were all progressing nicely while the men not really; when he dug deeper it turned out the women were quite focused on MAF while the men still “trained with their buddies” – direct quote.

I guess lack of training stress


become an issue at some point, however, to get to that level i think it takes quite a while, you have to give MAF a serious try before you can tell; again it is individual. MAF plateauing is in a way natural and it tells you that you can add some higher intensity stuff/racing. Though 3-6months without any injury, colds, etc. should give you enough info how your body is responding.

As far as pro type of hours, that kind of volume/intensity might not be the most productive even for the elite and I had believed that for the longest time, now the more i learn about MAF, etc the stronger my conviction. Dr. Maffetone in his book (titled 1:59) about the sub 2h marathon mentions that the record will come with much less volume/intensity and I do believe it. Most of the ‘classic’ approaches are a mixture of fact, fads and fiction, especially in cycling. So you need to make the best of your available hours, no matter what number how many that might be; remember it is a lifestyle so every minute is a ‘training’ (ie if you reduce your overall stress you will be able to absorb training better, if you get rid of muscle imbalances by minimising sitting you will move better and get rid of niggles, etc.).

Good luck with MAF and let me know how you fare.


Thanks again Nikola. I will certainly let you know how I fare – for one thing, it’s quite difficult to discuss these methods with anyone else without encountering the kind of skepticism that comes from the idea that ‘millions of other cyclists can’t be wrong’

Hi Sean,
Thanks for the comment. It is nice to make sense of it all. The biggest limiter to me (and I suspect others) understanding a concept comes from the everyday language which tends to evolve and focus on sometimes inaccurate concepts – ie who knew stress is so overreaching and not just a mental thing, same goes to nutrition, bike fit etc., etc.=)


Congratulations for such a nice article! I’m burnt out since 3 years. It happened after a hard pace, 130 km road bike race. I’m in sympathetic dominance for about 2 years. Overtraining is real! So train wisely!

Hi Dragos,

Thank you for your comment and the nice words. As someone who has been really overtrained as well, I can emphatise with your struggles. I would definitely suggest to look (if you haven’t already) look at the resources i mention in the article to help you!

Best of luck and let me know if you have any questions.


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