Your best position is the next one. We evolved for movement and not for stillness. Why creating an active workstation to minimise sitting is important for you.
Functional movement isn’t an opinion. How to test & address any deficiencies in movement you might have in this functional assessment and mobilisation for cycling.
Feet and Endurance Sports
Our feet must last a lifetime, yet we barely give them any thought while they take a lot of wear and tear daily or in short – Feet and Endurance Sports
Muscle Imbalances and Endurance Sports
Muscle imbalances in endurance sports represent 98% of all injuries and as such are highly preventable. How and why do they happen and what you can do about it.
What makes a functional movement? The nuts and bolts – muscles, joints and bones or functional anatomy for sports.
Fit, Fast but Are You Functional?
Champions are not people who make difficult things look difficult. They are people who make difiicult things look easy. What is the one unifying feature behind them all.